
Firm Updates and Announcements

12 In-Service Road Safety Reviews to be Completed in May 2015

Fireseeds North Infrastructure is assisting York Region, Ontario, and Strathcona County, Alberta by completing a total of 12 in-service road safety reviews for these clients in May 2015.

Both agencies have dedicated road safety personnel and perform annual network screening as part of their quantitative road safety management process. Network screening identifies sites that, based on collision history, may have potential for improvement. An in-service road safety review is an in-depth engineering study of an existing roadway, usually identified through network screening, to identify cost-effective options for improving safety and operations for all users.

The month of May will be rounded out with four presentations by Fireseeds North staff members at the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) conference in Ottawa.

Road safety engineering is a core speciality of Fireseeds North Infrastructure, a firm registered to practice in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, BC, and Yukon. If you are interested in: (A) having a set of in-service road safety reviews conducted for your jurisdiction, (B) implementing or improving your network screening process, or (C) developing a road safety management plan, please contact to discuss.

C Milligan