Road safety video analytics is a diagnostic technology that develops precise intersection risk profiles for all movement pairs at an intersection.
Fireseeds North is a user of MicroTraffic road safety video analytics and contributed to the development of MicroTraffic’s core technology. MicroTraffic now operates as a separate company from Fireseeds North. MicroTraffic supplies diagnostic data to all consultants (including Fireseeds North) as well as directly to government agencies.
When Fireseeds North does an in-service road safety review, it integrates surrogate data from MicroTraffic as an optional component for enhanced diagnostics. If the data shows that a rate of high risk conflicts for a particular movement is abnormally high, Fireseeds North can recommend proactive countermeasures to reduce risk before a fatality or serious injury occurs for that configuration.
To request an in-service road safety review using video analytics, or any other project using video analytics, contact craig.milligan@fireseedsnorth.ca.