Road safety video analytics is a diagnostic technology that develops precise intersection risk profiles for all movement pairs at an intersection.
Fireseeds North is a user of MicroTraffic road safety video analytics and contributed to the development of MicroTraffic’s core technology. MicroTraffic now operates as a separate company from Fireseeds North. MicroTraffic supplies diagnostic data to all consultants (including Fireseeds North) as well as directly to government agencies.
When Fireseeds North does an in-service road safety review, it integrates surrogate data from MicroTraffic as an optional component for enhanced diagnostics. If the data shows that a rate of high risk conflicts for a particular movement is abnormally high, Fireseeds North can recommend proactive countermeasures to reduce risk before a fatality or serious injury occurs for that configuration.
To request an in-service road safety review using video analytics, or any other project using video analytics, contact craig.milligan@fireseedsnorth.ca.
Video Analytics results show the frequency and severity of near-misses by interacting movement pair, along with a time of day breakdown and comparison to benchmark rates for detecting abnormally high risk levels.
Road safety video analytics relies on deep learning computer vision techniques to establish road user time-space trajectories. Near misses are detected by automatically searching through these trajectories to determine cases when collisions were narrowly avoided.