WHAT is an in-service road safety review?
An in-service road safety review is a detailed engineering study of an existing road facility (segment, intersection, interchange, or corridor) to diagnose road safety risk factors and to identify a list of short-term and long-term countermeasures which may be implemented to yield a quantifiable safety improvement. It is not a check of a facility’s compliance with design standards nor is it a design exercise that develops countermeasures to an implementation-ready stage.
The first part of an in-service road safety review typically involves a day and night site visit, a review of collision and conflict data, and a review of human factors, operations, and geometrics at the site. The second part of an in-service review involves a listing and ranking the severity of key issues and risk factors. The final part of an in-service road safety review is the identification of road safety improvement measures that will address the key issues. Where possible, the improvement in road safety expected from implementing the recommendations should be forecasted.
In-service road safety reviews are usually done at locations which have been identified as high risk in an agency’s network screening program or road safety management system. Typically, an agency may conduct in-service road safety reviews at between 10 and 50 locations per year. When assigned to consultants, economies of scale are possible by grouping in-service review sites into batches of 10 or more locations.
Contact Fireseeds North to request a batch of in-service road safety reviews or in-service road safety review training: craig.milligan@fireseedsnorth.ca or 204-996-9550.
Fireseeds North has done in-service road safety reviews all over Canada including North of the Arctic Circle and we don’t mind working in -40 °C. We also work at +40°C in the deserts of the middle east. Our reports always clarify key risks and the optimal improvement strategies, and they have triggered approvals on hundreds of millions of dollars of road safety improvement spending.