
Firm Updates and Announcements

Calgary, Vancouver, Surrey, and Montreal assign top priority intersections to Fireseeds North Infrastructure

During late August and early September of 2015, Fireseeds North Infrastructure has the privilege of studying some of the most dangerous intersections in some of Canada's largest and fastest growing cities, in order to help save lives and injuries at these sites.

A total of 20 in-service road safety reviews will be completed for the cities of Calgary, Vancouver, Surrey, and Montreal. These cities all have some form of network screening processes to identify and rank locations based on the need for safety improvements. Factors such as plans to redevelop a corridor and a history of collisions impact network screening results.  Sites at the top of the list have been assigned to Fireseeds North Infrastructure for further study.

During an in-service road safety review, our engineering teams complete a collision data analysis. Following this analysis, the team visits the site to diagnose safety problems and identify cost-effective solutions that will reduce fatalities. We draw on a vast library of proven, evidence-based countermeasures to bring forward solutions that will save lives. A 20-30 page report is typically produced, with the solutions organized into short-term measures (under $60k) and long-term measures (over $60k).

C Milligan