New Location at the Centre for Social Innovation
As Fireseeds North Infrastructure continues to grow, we have been assigned 27 engineering projects in Ontario and Québec in the past 6 months.
Today we are pleased to announce the launch of our downtown Toronto operations at 585 Dundas St East. We are happy to be sharing working space with other socially-minded entrepreneurs at the Centre for Social Innovation. This location will serve Ontario, Québec, and international markets.
Our service offerings in Québec and Ontario mirror those provided globally. Some of the most significant of these are:
Road safety reviews
Road safety audits
Road safety predictive analytics (SPFs, CMFs, network screening, video analytics)
Road safety management systems
Road safety policy, guidelines, and research
Road safety consultations
Vision zero implementation support/consultations
Asset management gap analysis
Asset management strategic planning
Asset management framework/program development
Asset management resource planning
Level of service / performance measurement planning
Capital and maintenance budget consultations
Capital and maintenance budget development
Capital and maintenance budgeting method studies
Gender mainstreaming capacity building
Gender mainstreaming design audits
Gender mainstreaming policy review, development, or audits
General transportation and traffic engineering
Active transportation planning and design
New technology pilots
All of the above in developing countries
Our Toronto office manager is Paul Anderson-Trocmé, M.Eng., and he can be reached at 514-264-8252 or