
Firm Updates and Announcements

Fireseeds North Grows with Two Summer Interns

This week, Fireseeds North welcomes two new summer interns, Abby Scaletta and Sid Secter. Abby and Sid will be working as Engineering Aides and will have the opportunity to assist on a number of projects within the areas of road safety, transportation asset management, and inclusive transport.

Abby Scaletta is going into her fourth year of civil engineering at the University of Manitoba (U of M). This will be Abby’s third co-op term, with previous work experience at Manitoba Hydro and as a research student at the U of M. Abby is involved in a number of extracurricular activities, including the ITE student chapter, University of Manitoba Engineering Society, Students for Sustainability, as well as coaching basketball. She has been a part of ITE student chapter for two years and recently supported the student chapter’s philanthropic activities as Community Chair. Abby enjoys commuting on her bike and is looking forward to learning more about transportation solutions through this work experience.

Sid Secter is a fourth year civil engineering co-op student from the University of Manitoba. He currently holds a Bachelor of Arts with distinction in history and anthropology from the University of Manitoba. Additionally, he was the recipient of an NSERC undergraduate research award for the summer of 2015, where he assisted in the creation of flood prediction models in an environment of climate change. He contributed by writing MatLab scripts to perform bias correction on global climate data. He has received several awards for his academic performance while studying civil engineering and brings a passion for transportation engineering that he hopes to grow during his time at Fireseeds North.

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