Booking Phase 2 Google Glass Road Safety Review Pilots
Fireseeds North is pleased to announce an enthusiastic uptake in phase one of the Google Glass In-Service Road Safety Review Pilot in partnership with Winnipeg tech startup VisualSpection. Five jurisdictions have signed up to receive a total of 26 TAC-compliant in-service road safety reviews:
- Ontario Ministry of Transportation
- York Region, Ontario
- City of Calgary, Alberta
- Strathcona County, Alberta
- Yukon Highways and Public Works
Phase two of the pilot has space for 10 jurisdictions to receive a total of 50 in-service road safety reviews. Participating jurisdictions get actionable engineering reports on realistic safety improvements to be made while also helping to test a technology that can leverage greater efficiency, insight, and collaboration in the road safety process.
Phase 2 signup is on now with reviews to occur during the summer of 2015. For more information please see the Pilot section of our website.