Gender and Smart Cities: Rebecca Peterniak to present at World Bank's Transforming Transportation
Fireseeds North staff Rebecca Peterniak will be featured at the World Bank and EMBARQ's Transforming Transportation conference in Washington, DC, running January 15 to 16, 2015.
Rebecca has developed and will present a framework built around the idea that smart cities are gender inclusive. Her framework for mainstreaming gender into transport investments includes three focus areas:
- HEAR FROM WOMEN to understand their travel needs, priorities, constraints, and behaviours.
- APPLY KNOWLEDGE to determine if and how transport services and infrastructure address the needs of women.
- BUILD CAPACITY so that professionals have the knowledge and tools to communicate and address gender inclusiveness issues in transport.
Rebecca will outline smart technology, strategies, and tools that can be applied in each of these three focus areas.
Rebecca is a transport infrastructure specialist with expertise in transport and gender issues in addition to road safety. Her M.Sc. work directly addressed how pedestrian safety behaviour and crossing conflicts with vehicles varies by gender in San Jose, Costa Rica. Her research and safety reviews at 20 sights led to numerous infrastructure and design practice recommendations.
Contact Rebecca for the presentation details or for advice/consulting assignments on gender mainstreaming in your transport work: